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Image share by Andy Nemeth

My parents escaped Hungary during the Revolution of 1956. After spending nine months in England, they were offered the opportunity of starting a new life in Canada. Arriving in the summer of 1957, they settled in Mission City before moving to Vancouver in 1962. While in Mission, they would on occasion take the train in to Vancouver for some shopping and entertainment. In those days, there were a handful of Hungarian delicatessens in the city where newly arrived Magyars could experience a feel for the old country they left behind. And of course there was the European charm of Robsonstrasse. This photo captures my father Joseph Nemeth and a two year old version of myself during one such excursion, strolling the 800 block Granville Street in 1961. My dad was smoking his beloved Belvedere cigarette and based on my outfit, I was trying to stay dry. Yes, it rained in Vancouver even back then.

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family, smoking