Newlyweds Captain Mel Butler (Canadian Dental Corps.) and Lois Butler (nee Brandon) shopping. Photo has 84486 J penciled on the back, along with an ink notation saying “April 14 – Taken while walking along a street in Vancouver about two or three weeks ago.” The notation is probably by my great aunt or my grandmother (on my father’s side). My guess is that the year is 1946, as my parents were married in Banff in August 1945. Dad was definitely in the Corps in 1945 and I assume was discharged after this photo…
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hats, parcels, uniform
Foncie had penciled in a number notation on the back of most of his photos. I have many where I’ve seen this same notation with or without the Foncies Fotos stamp on the back.
Jan Mason
Rooster Lunch on Granville and Castle Hotel in the background.