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Image share by Peter Batycki

Uncle Peter

I submit a picture of my Uncle Peter, currently retired and residing on Hawthorne Ave. in Port Coquitlam. The photo was taken in 1959. My Uncle had just left the hospital after being injured in a forestry accident. He operated a tournapull for Macmillan Bloedel, it rolled, pinning him for several hours. The company re-trained him as a welder. He worked there until retirement. He and his wife live in Port Coquitlam. His daughters all live in B.C. The reverse of the photo is numbered.

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    1. Candace

      My dear Dad, Papa to my niece and nephew, ~23 in this picture, enjoys playing softball, walking, watching my nephew play hockey, and fishing on the banks of the Fraser. Love you Dad!


Decade Taken


Year Taken



Day, Men

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