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Image share by Trevor K.

My parents, Randi Kramer (née Johansen) and Bela (Bill) Kramer strolling on the 900-block of Granville Street in the late 1950s. The Krak-a-Joke shop and Studio nightclub neon signs are visible behind them (the Studio sign has been restored and is again shining bright at 919 Granville Street).

My mom’s older sister, Helle, complains every time we see her about how my mom used to steal / borrow her favourite white coat without asking, to go on dates with my dad. This was the same coat that’s shown in this picture!

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    1. Frederick Morley

      The Studio nightclub? In the 1950s the Studio was a cinema specializing in foreign films. It was a great cinema for “art” films and the very new wave films coming out of Europe.


Decade Taken


Year Taken



Night, Men & Women

Associated Tags

Krak-a-Joke, nightclub, Purse, Studio